Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to Review What Has You Memorized of the Quran by Suhaib Webb

For anyone inquiring about how to maintain their previously memorized portions in the middle of their busy schedules and other commitments, here is a recommended schedule.

  1. 1.    Count how many pages or parts (ajza, sg. juz) of Qur’an you’ve already memorized.

    2.    Set a specific amount you will read everyday only from what you’ve memorized.
    §  For example, if you have memorized half of juz `amma (the 30th chapter of the Qur’an), read 2 pages of it everyday. Every 5 days, you’ll begin from the first 2 pages again.
    §  If you’ve memorized more, like 3 juz, then make sure to begin by reading half a juz (10 pages) a day.

    3.    As you maintain your daily reading (wird) you’ll be reviewing all of what you have memorized within the span of a week. Slowly, you’ll realize that your memorization of those chapters is getting stronger and remaining fresh. You’ll find yourself able to recall an ayah (verse) from a surah (chapter) with more ease and speed.
    §  Add more slowly as you increase in your memorization

    4.    For example, once you complete memorizing all of juz `amma, begin reading 4 pages of it everyday. Every 5 days, you should complete  reading all of juz `amma and then starting over again.
    §  If you had 3 juz memorized and then finished memorizing another and now have 4 all together, increase the 10 pages by another 3 and begin to read 13 a day. When you complete the memorization of your 5th juz, you should be reading 16 a day. Finally, once you finish memorizing 6 juz, you should be reading a juz a day. By 18 juz, you should be at 3 juz daily. By 24, you should be at 4. Don’t worry – because you’re building up to it, it’ll go by very quickly. It just takes practice 
    §  Continue reading to understand how to review the Qur’an once you’re finished with memorizing all of it.

Friday, November 30, 2012


Assalamualaikum, sory sbb x bole nk update blog iwan ni daily sbab wan kekadang dok bz gak kt gmi ni.. best mmg best tpi besa pkataan bz tu xleh laghi dri kamus student gmi ni..haha
Ok, apa xtau nk tulis ni………………………………………????
 Haa, ok, kali ni wan nk cghita psai cuti iwan blek kmpung seminggu kt merbok haghitu..
Wktu tu dlm seminggu tu ada 2 cuti, depavali dengan awal muharam, actually ada klas  antara hari depavali dgn awal muharam tu tpi…… naaaahhhhhh, nk blek ghumah gak #mmg gmi ni bapak aq pnya huhu

Sebelum balik lgi, my mind set was…. IMAN NK KAWEN!!!!! Iman tu abg iwan.. syukur, akhirnya dpat jgak bliau nk diri kan ghumah tangga.

So, smpai jaa umah, kmi ada msa dlm 4-5 haghi laa nk kmas2 umah sbb knduri buat sehari lpas akad nikah jaa.. so, mmg havoc laa umah wan tiap hari nk mengemas umah tu..

So klau pagi tu mmg wan tdoq laa, bla nk tgah hari n kna dah bletiaq ngn umi mmg dah jaga laa wktu tu, so iwan trus tlong2 apa yg patot..(x mndi lgi tuh)..

Bla dah pluh abeh suma dah dlm sblum  msok wktu zohor tu iwan trus laa p mndi sungai dpan umah dgn budak kampong len.. huh dh lama x rsa ksejukan ayaq sungai tu.. huhu, mmg puas abeh dah..

Kini tiba laa msa yg di nnti2 kan, the akad nikah day.. Alhamdulillah iman wat dlm satu kali akad jaa, suma bjalan lancar..cukup sempoi iman hari tu, dgn gaya sderhana nya, mmg sesuai  laa ngn kak aza (isteri) tu.. haha
So, bru laa iwan dpat rasa berharganya dpat blek kmpong bila kita tpaksa mrantau jauh2 dari pngkuan keluarga.. haha… sbnaq nya ada lagi nk cghita tpi dh lewat dh ni, mngatok lorh… wan nk p tdoq dlu nah.. wallahua’lam

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hari ni iwan just nk ckp psal sikap orang sekarang terutama rakyat malaysia yang semakin paranoid about something dan melampau-lampau paranoid depa ni.. actually pkataan ni abang iwan yg pnah sebut.. (so, i borrow laa n0h)
Ok, paranoid ni adalah pemikiran yg extremely about something atau fikir yg mlampau sgt.. Kebanyakan nya orang melayu lah..
contoh nya:

1. Lpas kluar nya video 'the arrival', rmai gila org jdi paranoid tentang bnda tu.. skit2 Freemason.. skit2 Illuminati.. pada hal jut serupa jaa pn.. tah apa2.. bnda ada mcm bntuk triangle skit jaa, dah kata Freemason, jgn p tmpat tu, jgn lalu, bnda tu nk hasut pmikiran kita, bla bla bla.. klau sorg xpa, ni hmpir suma org yg iwan jumpa dok kata lagutu (macam tu).. haghu(dasyat) sgguh..


2. Ni psal hal israel, sana sini skrg org dok mlwan israel.. smangat gila.. nk bom sana sni, x ska artis yg skong israel, boikot barang itu ini.. paranoid gila.. the problem is TOO MUCH TALKING BUT NO ACTION bro.. wat apa? sia-sia jaa.. ok laa, stakat nk gtaw org, inform kt org2 yg xtau ok laa.. tpi last2 dy sndiri yg amek produk israel.. i said something like this bkn psal apa.. ari tu iwan terdengaq laa lagu justin bieber kt fon iwan, tu pn radio beb, tiba2 mai member wan dok sindir2.. "ish, hang dok syok suka laa dgaq lagu dy ni, ang tau dak dy ni da laa one of israel lover. aq tgok org post kt fb ari tu, dah laa wei" iwan ok lgi laa wktu tu.. sbaq laa.. tpi slang 2 3 ari lpas tu dy kluaq mkn, iwan tnya kt mna, dy bagi tau kt Mac Donald... mcm pa lgi, dok ckp kt org padahal dy sndri do skong israel... nseb r iwan jnis pendam, klau x maki hamun laa kna kt dy ari tu..

So, kesimpulan nya please if you are concern about, please do the way you concern about that thing. less talk, more action laa bro.. pling trok pn yg bley wat just bagi tau jaa information terkini kt org, klau nk lbey2 tu make sure kita buat apa yang kita ckp.. or just post je kat fb pastu snyap.. dah..

wallahua'lam.. asssalamualaikum.....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Sory laa.. sbb dh lama update iwan pnya blog ni haa..
sbb pa tu laa iwan dok bz ngn study kt gmi ni.. so, bkn slalu pn nk bole online..
apa2 pn SEMIMASEN!!! (mintak maaf) huhu...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

tHe leTTer "G"

The sun come in and out every day, we all always been by the works, classes, assignment and lots more things. We were chasing the world reality, we don’t want to be left by the technology, we only care about the job that we going to be next. But do we worry about the things in after life? Do we care about the “heaven” and “hell” things? Don’t you afraid?
                Nowadays, religion is not the main things in our daily life. It was been separated from every things we do. Why?
                We forget that the God always watching us every single second. Every sin we did will be written on our “book” to be asked after us dead. We may take for granted about this, but the world is nothing if we forget about Him. Don’t you afraid?
                We only live to be humble to our God, not to against Him. Every thing had changed time to time. Even there are people not believe in God, said to be atheist. Why? We don’t appear only base on the science, there is a creator who create us, who give miracle on us and who arrange our life time. Then, why don’t you afraid of Him?

There are only three main things we should do to Him. Be AFRAID, HUMBLE and LOVE Him.


-this kind of feeling will make us aware on every single thing we want to do because our mind set always know that He watch us every time. Then we will avoid doing bad things that He hate.


-human always to be proud on what they have. So, the feeling to be humble to Him will make us to be highly aware on what we do, feel and etc.


-love to Him means we always appreciate on what had He gave to us such as our body. We feel that He always be at your side. So that what makes we love our God.


The ‘UnSeen’

Aritu wan dgr khutbah kt gmi nun, besa laa smbil khutbah tu ad projector nk translate khutbah tu dlm bi plak. Tpi en, bca yg translate tu wan lgi mnarik laa dri dengar khutbah tuh.. hush, xtau kes apa laa ni, bahasa kebangsaan sendiri un da x minat nk dgaq.
                Ap yang menarik dlm translate khutbah ni dy slalu guna ayat 'the Unseen' untuk mengganti kan perkara yg berhikmah. So, ayat tu nmpak menarik laa bgi wan. Mcm tu laa timbul idea mcm2, nk tulis anything psal the Unseen nih..
ThE UnSeeN…

First..Kt gmi ni rmai gila kot muka mcm si kosong dlm lawak kampus tu. Nk kata muka mmg blerr ya rabbi laa.. haha,   
              the unseen nya kt sni da bnyak wan jmpa org lgi trok drpd ni, tpi bla mai result, lgi gempak gila yg ter-sangt2. Mmg btol, don’t judge a book by its cover.. hehe

Second...Aritu, wan pi masjid india, konon2 nk shoping sakan laa kau.. tpi, da nama un laki, ap un x jdi nk bli, rsa mls, nmpk mcm brg x best j blah, tah apa2.
. pling pnting skali rsa mcm takot bazir duit, tu the main point dy.. hehe, and then wan lalu dpan gerai jual tasbih, mnyak attar, kopiah n bagai2 lgi laa, rsa tdetik au nk bli, mmg bli pon.. tpi hampa bayang mnyak attar ngan kopiah total RM20.. 
                                   ffffffffffffffff…….. mahal kot..! kopiah halai balai tu un mkcik tu balun RM10 gak.. perggghhhh, xpe2.. gua redho je… the Unseen kt sni, esok nye bapak wan dtg, Cikgu Azmi. Dy nk bwak wan kluaq p umah spupu sbb da lama x jmpa en. 
                      Sembng pnya sembg tiba dy huluq RM150! And the wan buat2 tkejut laa (padahal syok) haha, buat2 mcm mau xmau, last2 amek jgak.. kuang3.
                 . tpi tu r bla mrenung balek, mgkin ni balasan bgi org yg mngeluar kn duit ke arah jalan yg baek, ber-gnda2  lgi dy dpat dri Dia.. Alhamdulillah..

Crita akan bsambung… sory pnat dah lerh…

Friday, July 27, 2012


When I was at Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Merbok, every things was just arranged by the teachers. Our time table, schedule, eating time, even sleeping period. They just not arranged it, but control us to make it in time, means they are always there to take care of us and guide us on every single things in the school.
            The aim just only for enhance our discipline to be a greater person we could be. By that time, it was very hard for us to follow their command, so many rebellious things we did on that time. Not going to prep class, not wear the proper attire, skip classes and lots more. We hate the word “discipline”, we hate commands from teachers and we hate formal things. Relax, cool, freedom and uncontrolled things were the only subject we love the most. Not “discipline”.
            I still remember when I was Form 3, one of my teachers, Madam Rohana binti Yusuf said, “If you want to find the secret to be a success man, the answer is discipline.” Even I hates that word, it is all about this discipline. Why?
            Now I’m at German-Malaysian Institute (GMI), every things about discipline are now clear to me, I’ve nothing to disagree about why did they taught us that back then. Every things are different outside the school, the life in the university are completely different. If we want it, we do it, but if we don’t want it, then we can ignore it. We can be relax, we can control our life, we have our freedom. HOWEVER, this will crush our future, this will control us on what will happen next because our fate is in our hand. When there is a will, there is a way.
“The answer is discipline.” Yes, it is true. With discipline, I can study myself, I can have a good expression from peoples, I can control my life, and the world is mine. Even in the religion cases, discipline is also the main point. We couldn’t do good things for our God if we don’t have discipline.
            “If you want to find the secret to be a success man, the answer is discipline.”

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Copy from suhaib webb the second

Originally Posted August 2011
A Look into the Secret of Ramadan and Fasting

Fasting is a devotional act performed by the followers of many religions. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in the fundamental act of fasting, although they differ regarding its definition and details. The Qur’an and Sunnah (practice of the Prophet ﷺ, peace be upon him) affirm this fact, and provide a complete narrative regarding the history, purpose, and method of fasting. Fasting is an essential pillar of Islam, as clearly stated in the Prophetic narrations (hadith) and the Qur’an. At face value, it is an external act, but in reality its purpose is primarily to influence and affect the internal.  Although fasting is always encouraged and recommended, God has chosen a specific month where man has been commanded to fast and advised to perform a number of additional devotional acts. As will become apparent, in the fasting of Ramadan, Islam has transformed fasting from a simple, personally beneficial act into a complete, intensive program designed to transform man’s character and his relationship with God and His creation. This fundamental pillar of Islam should be understood as an institution providing education, training, social programming, and spiritual and character development.
What is Fasting?
The Arabic term sawm linguistically means to refrain or abstain from something. Mary, the mother of Jesus, uses the word sawm when her people ask about her pregnancy:
“[…] ‘Indeed, I have vowed to the Most Merciful [God] abstention, so I will not speak today to [any] man,’” (Qur’an, 19:26).
The translation of this verse shows Mary’s linguistic use of the word. Here, we clearly see the literal meaning of the term sawm being used to describe Mary’s abstinence from speaking to anyone until after Jesus was born (so she wouldn’t have to defend herself from any allegations). The Arabs would also use the term when referring to a horse that refrained from running. It is from this linguistic root that Islam then religiously referred to fasting as a particular type of abstinence during a particular time period by a particular individual. This definition concisely states that fasting requires an intention to refrain from food, drink, and intercourse from the break of dawn until sunset. Furthermore, the individual who fasts must be in a state in which fasting is permissible for him. Although this explanation of fasting is what all Muslims do today, Islam acknowledges that other faiths and even the Prophet ﷺ and his companions initially fasted in a different way. This will be explained later in the history of fasting. However, what is important to understand is the purpose behind fasting, which will be discussed in the following section.
The Obligation and Purpose of Fasting
Fasting is always something commendable and recommended in Islam, and it has a clearly defined purpose. God says, “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you so that you may be protected through righteousness [achieve taqwa]” (Qur’an, 2:183). This verse states both the command to fast as well as the purpose of fasting: to attain taqwa (God consciousness). However, it does not state the exact time period, as this is explained in the following verses. God explains in the Qur’an that fasting is prescribed for a limited number of days, which He then explains as being in the month of Ramadan (2:183-185). He confirms the obligation to fast this month by stating, “[…] So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it […]” (Qur’an, 2:185).
The natural question that comes to mind is what is the meaning of taqwa? What is the aim of fasting? The term linguistically implies protecting and saving one’s self from harm. Possessing taqwa is also expressed as being God-conscious, pious, in awe of God, and being careful not to do anything contrary to what God loves. In regards to its meaning as the purpose behind fasting, taqwa means to protect one’s self. This protection is two-fold: protection from God’s punishment and displeasure by attaining a state of God-consciousness, awe, piety, and love for what God loves; secondly, to protect one’s self from the harms of heedlessness, lack of discipline, enslavement to one’s desires, and poor character. The individual who has achieved taqwa reaches a lofty spiritual state that deserves God’s love, mercy, and His promise of Paradise.
Some of the Ambitions Behind Fasting
    1. Developing sincerity in our actions. Fasting is one of the most pure and sincere devotional acts since no one knows if you cheat while fasting.
    2. Purifying the soul from lowly character, which is often the result of being a slave to one’s carnal desires.
    3. It overpowers Satan and his attempts to deceive man.
    4. It serves as a means to God-consciousness and staying away from sins.
    5. Leads to being merciful and compassionate to the poor.
Background about Ramadan
The linguistic meaning of the word Ramadan comes from the root ramad implying extreme heat. It is suitable for the month of fasting, as the name of the month refers to the dryness of the mouth that one feels when thirsty.
It has been narrated that all the divinely revealed scriptures came down during the month of Ramadan. The Qur’an descended from the highest heaven to the lower heaven in Ramadan, and then the initial revelation to the Prophet ﷺ was also in Ramadan. This important fact is highlighted as God mentions in the Qur’an: “The month of Ramadan [is that] in which the Qur’an was revealed, as guidance for people…” Thus, it is of significance to mention that one of the main reasons we fast the month of Ramadan is out of reverence for the Qur’an and with the intention to renew our commitment to it. This is exemplified in the night prayer, tarawih, during which large portions of the Quran are read every night. It is as if God is commanding people to the fast Ramadan as an expression of gratitude for the gift of the Qur’an to mankind.

The History of Fasting
Fasting the month of Ramadan was made obligatory upon the Muslims in the 2nd year AH.1 Fasting was also something obligatory upon the previous Prophets and their people. The scholars differed though upon the nature of their fasting as well as the initial fasting of the Muslims before the 2nd year AH. A number of scholars stated that the prior generations were obligated to fast three days a month, and were not commanded to fast the month of Ramadan. Others stated that the prior generations were commanded to fast the month of Ramadan and that their fasting began after sleeping after the night prayer and lasted until the following evening.
In regards to the history of fasting during the life of the Prophet ﷺ, we find that God employed a gradual method to introduce fasting and altered its details until the final command and timings were solidified. The initial obligation was fasting three days a month. Then, the fasting of the 10th of Muharram (the day of `Ashura) was added as an obligation. Then, fasting the month of Ramadan was introduced; however, people were given the choice to either fast or to feed a poor person each day of the month. Then, fasting became obligatory upon those capable, and would start from the time one slept or after the evening prayer. Finally, the timing was changed to start at dawn and end at sunset.  These five stages show the gradual implementation, thus giving Islam a unique implementation of fasting different from other faiths.
The Ramadan Program
The month of Ramadan is intended to be a complete program for reformation of the mind, body, and soul. It includes a number of obligatory, recommended, and prohibited acts, all seeking to improve man’s character and relationship with God. When we see Ramadan as a program for purification, our attitude will be different. We will no longer see it as a difficult obligation whereby God is simply testing our ability to obey him, but rather as a unique opportunity to achieve a state of peace, spiritual and physical health, love for God, and realize our full potential in life. For if we see how capable we are of controlling our natural desires and pushing ourselves to higher limits in Ramadan, we will realize the strength we possess to achieve our highest ambitions in life.
When we seek to improve our physical health, we know we need to change our diet and exercise routine. We may consult a number of nutritionists and fitness experts to put together a program that will help us achieve our goals.  These programs often define essential foods that should be eaten and others that must be avoided, and exercises that must be performed daily or weekly. For example, a particular program may mandate eating a particular amount of proteins, limiting the amount of saturated fats, performing a defined number of push-ups and sit-ups, and running in the morning or evening. Interestingly, we find new programs every year, whether it be the latest diet fad or exercise routine. Some of these turn out to be of value, and people continuously invest their time and money in these fitness and health programs.
God has similarly given us the program of Ramadan, although its ambitions extend beyond mere physical health, and the Designer of the program possesses infinite knowledge. Ramadan is an intensive program designed by the Creator of mankind, who knows best how His creation should live and knows best what is beneficial to them. For this reason, we welcome Ramadan as an annual retreat and perfectly designed program; we recognize its ability to purify, reform, and improve ourselves through the acts that God has legislated for our benefit. It is thus the ultimate prescription and program for taqwa, the most noble goal and aim in life. By achieving this state of consciousness, we protect ourselves from harm in this life and the next.
An important point to be understood is that a particular program or medication doesn’t always feel or taste good immediately. The first few days, or weeks, of dieting and exercise can be extremely painful as one gets used to limiting his food intake, stressing his muscles, and dealing with the burn and soreness of working out. However, once he gets used to the program, he begins to notice improvements in his health and his body becomes accustomed to the new regiment. Another example of this initial discomfort is when a sick patient is given medication. The taste of the medication or food eaten may be bitter or sour, but the patient continues to take it knowing it is of extreme benefit. The reality may even be that the food or medicine prescribed is sweet, but due to his sickness everything tastes bland or bitter. Likewise, the initial adjustment period to fasting and the Ramadan program may be tiring and difficult, but we should always keep in mind that as we get used to it we will both enjoy it and tremendously benefit from it if performed properly.
10 High Priority Acts to be Performed in the Month of Ramadan:
    1. Recitation of the Qur’an (in Arabic)
    2. Studying the Qur’an (reading the translation and explanation)
    3. Tarawih Prayer (Recommended Ramadan prayers)
    4. Qiyam al-Layl (Voluntary night prayers)
    5. Performing all five prayers on time
    6. Praying in congregation when possible
    7. Refraining from lying, backbiting, gossiping, and cursing
    8. Refraining from excess television and social media
    9. Fixing our relationships with family and friends
    10. Giving as much charity as possible

Sunday, July 8, 2012


esok aq da msok GMI... Sdey nya.. haha
mcm2 dah jadi sebelum ni.. tegolek tetonggeng tebalek suma dah jadi.. haha
mula lah pejalanan idop aq sebagai seorang student u...
actually aq x ready lgi (huahuahua) 
even da tujuh bulan brenti 'study'
mind set maseh dok gila babi lagi!!!!!!

bru arini aq blajaq pkai tie.. tah apa nak jadi pon xtau.. tu un blajaq tengok youtube jaa.. kah2..
x ready lgi sial.. 
dgn dok bermasalah ngn awek aq g.. last2 ni laa dy nk wat gila babi.. tambah runsing laa pala otak ni..
x ready lgi sial..
mcm mna laa esok nk kna bgon awal.. mndi sjuk2.. sarapan.. ARGHHHH!!! aq x bisa begini.. 
x ready lgi sial..
hampa nk tau ark.. pak aq cakap 'iwan rlek jaa, nnti jmpa org len bwat besa dah laa, depa tu sama jaa ngn iwan.. they shit like you too.. haha' what ta hell!!!??? time ni laa ayah aq nk mngarut..

aq just x ready nk msok.. bkn nya ketaq nk jmpa orag baru.. hadooihhh.. bapak bapak.. k arh.. gua cauoo dlu... wassalam.. doa kan aq bjaya kt sna!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Hari2 ku seperti biasa setiap kali aku balik rumah.. balik dah klau tak buat apa-apa, mula la aku tengok tv, layan movie baru beli, main game.. selain makan, tidoq, mandi, 3 benda tu jaa yang aq buat.. kluaq rumah jarang2.. jadi aku tahu laa setiap kejadian yang terjadi dalam rumah ni dan banyak benda yang aku dah lalui..
                ‘Iwan, p sidai baju, keja tidoq jaa’, ‘Iwan, mai tlong umi masak’, ‘Iwan,kemas laa skit bilik tu dah mcm sarang bewak dah’..
Tu laa bebelan ke yang di selit disiplin oleh umi tiap2 hari.. haha, besa la kekadang panas gak telinga dok dengaq benda2 tu, tapi tu laa rutin harian aq..
Femly jarang sangat nk bekumpul skali dalam satu masa, hat (yang) besaq ada tpi hat kecik pulak xdak, hat kecik ada tpi hat besaq plak xdak..tu yang payah sikit tu.. hmm, nak bekumpul pn hari raya jaa, tu pun mesti kekadang sorang xdak..
Tu hal anak2.. si bapak pulak lain ceghita dy.. balik tu jarang2 jugak.. klau dok tengah hangat b’program tu mmg seminggu skali laa balek rumah.. tapi klau balek gak rumah dia akan sentiasa carik masa nak lang kan masa ngan anak2 dia.. klau ngn aku tu, ada laa satgi panggil aku,
                ‘Iwan, mai sat… picit (urut) kaki ayah sat, lenguh bejalan tadi’
Sudah masak aku dengan tugas aku dek tiap2 kali balek memang tu laa keja  aku.. sambil2 dok mengurut tu dia cakap la apa yang dia boleh sembang or tanya... tu laa time aku luangkan masa dengan insan yang bernama ‘ayah’.. hmm, aku harap besaq nanti aku boleh jadi anak nya yang berguna kt dia.. amin..
Hmm, ingat lagi kak eam selalu cakap kat ayah,
                ‘Ayah ni tu laa, kat luaq dok ceramah pong pang pong pang, tpi balek umah mengarut jaa gheja’
Haha, ayah memang camtu, bagi dia memang xmau kot tunjuk kat depan femly dia camna dia kat luaq.. anak2 dia jaa tau camna perangai dia.. kadang2 tu ada laa dia bagi tau info apa yang dia ada tpi x laa smpai bgi cramah cam kt luaq tuh.. just ckp2 camtu ja laa, tpi at least dia nk anak2 dia tau apa yang dia tgh kerjakan..

Hmmm, tu laa stakat ni.. Lost idea n memory.. haha.. tanx 4 read this..

Friday, June 8, 2012


Usaha di tangan kita, tapi takdirnya pada Allah….
Ramai yang selalu menangis kesedihan, kehairanan, dan macam2 lgi apabila hasil yang diterima tak setimpal dengan usaha yang dilakukan.. then, ramai laa yang tension bab nih.. biar laa dalm kes apa pun..  sering terjadi di sekeliling kita, tambahan kita pun kadang2 jadi camtu jugak..

Study gila **** punya, tapi mai kat result jdi hampeh plak.. kesian kesian kesian.. pastu mai laa tensen tuh.. student jdi fed up smpai malas nk study, focus dah jdi x tentu hala.. makin lama makin teruk dia pnya attitude.. hmm, mindset jdi lost habeh.. haduih..

Yang pun kesian jugak.. perabeh duit bwat degree,diploma,ijazah,master and macam2 lgi.. habeh blajaq, mai tawaran kerja dok awal2 dok tolak sbab dok harap kerja yang gaji lumayan.. last2 dok tggu sgt, dah pulak tamat tawaran.. hmm, tu takpa lagi dpt tawaran, ni ada jgak yang x dpt twaran lgsung.. kesian kesian kesian.. maka jadi laa penganggur bergraduate..

I janji setia smpai akhir hayat.. I syg sgt kt u.. I xkan tiggal kan u.. last2 hampeh, syg ke mana, janji ke mana.. kes ni bnyak laa kt bdk2 remaja.. gadoh sket, tggal.. bwat salah sket, tggal.. awl2 tu jnji mcm2 laa.. tiap2 hari x penah brenti memesej.. abeh kredit un x kesah, xpe sbb syg.. pstu bla gadoh sket.. lupa abeh, jnji2.. maki hamun x kira dah.. kesian kesian kesian..

Hadirin pembaca sekalian, sedar laa.. waktu skrang bhagia, bersenang lenang bersandiwara.. tapi mungkin tidak hari esok.. mungkin hari esok ditemani dengan tangisan, kekecewaan, dan penyesalan.. hmm, namun jangan lah di salah kan takdir.. segala yang itu ada jalan penyelesaian nya.. 

Tetap kan balik mindset yang baru yang lebih kuat.. Mula kan azam yang lebih kepada memajukan diri.. Hilang kan rasa ragu yang ada dalam diri bahawa apa yang terjadi ada hikmah nya.. Minta maaf kepada pihak yang berkenaan jika ada buat salah biar lepas dari tggjawab kita.. Lastly, MULA KAN HIDUP BARU YANG LEBIH BAIK..

Written by ;
Muhd Ikhwan Solehin
At 2.40 am, 8/6/2012
****kesian kesian kesian*****

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kau Ilham Ku

Beribu bintang dilangit
Kini menghilang
Meraba aku dalam kelam
Rembulan mengambang
Kini makin suram
Pudar ilhamku tanpa arah

Sedetik wajahmu muncul
Dalam diam
Ada kerdipan ada sinar
Itukah bintang atau rembulan
Terima kasih kuucapkan

Izinkan kumencuri bayangan wajahmu
Izinkan ku mencuri khayalan denganmu
Maafkanlah oh...
Andai lagu ini
Mengganggu ruangan hidupmu
Kau senyumlah oh...
Sekadar memori
Kita di arena ini
Kau ilhamku
Kau ilhamku...

***i'm sorry***

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Dalam dunia ni setiap bnda ada pasangan,  dah di cipta dengan cara camtu oleh Illahi.. biar pun yg nyata atau pun yang maya.. hmm, keliru jugak ayat wan nih.. sedang kat hati kita sndiri pn yang 1 ini pn ada belahannya dan stiap satu ada pasangan nya.. ini bukan bermaksud hati itu di belah atau di potong sampai 3.. ia nya hati perasan kita.. iaitu suka, sayang dan cinta..
Suka adalah perasaan yang ringan dalam hidup ini, apabila melihat bnda, perkara atau sesuatu yang menarik pada hati kita, maka kita berminat tehadap nya maka itu di namakan suka.. biar pun begitu subjek ini juga boleh di letak kan pada sesiapa atau orang.. contoh nya suka berkawan dgn seseorang, suka mnjadi rakan sekelas nya atau suka melihat wajahnya..
Sudah jelas di sini menunjuk kan suka hanya lah sekadar suka.. masih belum meletakkan harapan pada sesuatu atau seseorang itu untuk hadir dalam hidup kita..
Sayang pula adalah perasaan yang lebih serius pada diri kita.. kita ambil berat tntang nya, kita mnjaga keadaan nya dgn baik malah kita sentiasa berusaha membantu  dalam hidupnya. Perasaan ini lebih major atau cenderung kepada pihak manusia yang lain.. contohnya, keluarga, teman wanita/lelaki, suami/isteri dan pelbagai lagi yang lebih jelas mempunyai hubungan istimewa dengan seseorang itu..
Tetapi masih belum sampai ke tahap yang lebih mempengaruhi dalam hidup kita.. ia hanya membantu sedikit dalam perkembangan diri sndiri..
Cinta adalah perasaan sayang yang paling kuat dalam hidup manusia.. sehinggakan mempengaruhi segala aktivi seharian seseorang itu. Lebih lagi ia perasaan merendah kan diri terhadap sesuatu sehingga segalanya dalam hidup seseorang itu adalah berdasarkan tuntutan atau arahan daripada perkara yang kita cintai itu.. Mudah sekali adalah cinta kepada Tuhan yang menciptakan segalanya.. Tuhan adalah pihak yang paling mmpengaruhi kehidupan seharian.. cara hidup pun telah di aturkan oleh-Nya dari dahulu lagi.. Halal haram sudah di tentukan Nya.. maka sesiapa yang melanggar nya, dia tidak mncintai Tuhan nya..

Konklusinya, sebagai manusia sememangnya sudah diberi akal fikiran mana yang suka, sayang atau cinta.. Jadi jangan sekali-kali mencintai selain daripada Tuhan Yang Maha Agung dan jangan lah menganggap disukai itu bermaksud kita di sayangi..

Monday, May 28, 2012

Rc vs Acc Story : Part 3 oi!!

Pghabeh laa hat mna dok ada.. huhu, ok next!!

Siti Rahmah Yahya (SRY@cek mah)
Mah! Laki ko sehat!!?? Haha, siti rahmah nma diberi, yahya bpak nya.. sorg yg amazingly owsem girl-friend (haha) I’d ever know..  nothing can komper u laa mah.. with her genius head n her ‘dahi luas’nye, huhu, she surprisingly get higher mark in our class.. plus, dy pnya prangai yg pling xleh blah n gila n plek n gila n tah apa2 n mgarut n gila lagi .. haha, no others.. (kang  marah plak) mah, for u aq rse ko bole laa brubah.. tpi skit jer.. jgn bnyak2, nnti x best.. haha..
Trios ktua mngarut, haha, xtau r cmna nk describe ko cmna lgi.. pning kpala aq.. sorry r aq xtau ap next plan ang.. klau still ngn akaun, truskan.. tpi whatever un.. aq ucapkan slamat r mah, u can get wat u want.. tggal effort jer.. one day we’ll meet again kawan…

Fatehani Tukimin (ateh)
Nyah ko tau x bdk tu da x berak sbulan kau.. eeii, geli nyah kt sni tau, awww.. haha,  Lol, ngade2 tol aq.. lughuih (straight) to the poin laa eak.. ateh is one of the most precious person to me actually..  xde dy x mriah laa klas ni, xde dy xde laa org nk mnanges2 kt klas ni, huhu, tu laa klau org yg aq nk bgosip2.. rmah tgga org, rmah tigkap org, bini org, laki org, sume ktowg gossip kau haaa.. haha, mlampau lmpau tol aq nih, k lah smpai skrg aq da x bnyk brita sal dy dah.. so, wat I know (yg ko gtaw aq) u wan to help people bile ko da bjaye nnti.. chaiyookk!!
Nnti ble ko dah success, jgn laa malu2 nk contact ktowang k, hope could meet u someday laa kak.. haha

Shaffzan (sharu)
Body builder yg lurus orgnye.. x laa furious sgt, kdg2 syok laa smbang ngn dy.. sometimes tu, aq un x phm dy mcm mna orgnye.. huhu, ok then, ko laa sifu aq nk idop rlek camna.. epy gol lucky laa kau.. haha, bdk ni ade talent dy sndri.. so kdg2 tu nmpak r dy ngn dunia dy sndri.. haha, bru aq tau camna knal ngn org yg dh ada vision sndri dlm idop dy.. haha, plek2 sggoh.. I’ve no other comments for u.. haha, gud luck with ur wat-ever-thing u wanna do next.. I’ll be support u behind..

Murni (murrrrrrni) haha
Haish…. Haih…. Hmmm.. haha, lme laa x mngarut ngn ko.. ni sorang lgi sifu aq.. sifu kite sume laa sng.. dlu bnyak laa mnde yg x phm boley g tnye kt dy.. so, alang2 tgh menanye tu, menakal2 laa ngn dy.. huhu, budak nih aq knal nk phm something tu x laju cam r cam cek mah, tpi bled ah dpt tuh..smpai  mmpos dy ingt.. ape nye otak laa u had hah.. haha, (mcm kasar je aq ni)..
Wokey.. tu jer lah yg aq dpt mengomen.. nice to have friend like u.. bye..

Hastini (tini)
Haykal…oo0o0o…haykal…o0o0o0…haykal… haha, nk kna mkn pnampaq aq nih.. okk, start with her attitude, nice n cool n cute n solo n simple minded person… time dy glak r pling aq suka tuh.. cam bdk kcik.. pstu hat pling bgang dok kcau aq psai il***.. ceh, tensen r aq.. huhu, dlu kdg2 klau pnas aq p laa dok kt tmpat dy coz sjuk skit dok bwah kipas, pstu dok kcau murni.. haha.. hat aq heran nya, dy x pnah mrh.. or halau aq dri tmpat dy, just klau aq phm dy nk ddok aq blah r.. tpi dy x pnah ckp ap2 un.. heran sggoh aq ngan hang ni..
Xpa2, baguih laa ang mmg baek dri dlu lgi.. truskan dgn hati suci ang tuh.. bkn sng jmpa kwn cam ang.. haykal cmna haykal? Haha, dh r, mkn pnmpaq sggoh satni aq.. haha, bye tini..

Yusri (suy)
Ok start dri rmbut, rmbut mncacak.. trun p kat mata, nmpak garang r sket..  mai kat mlut+gigi, Allah………….. haha, lma x sakat ang.. ok, trus laa eak, obviously si genius yg malas.. asyik tido je kje kau.. haha, tpi ko gifted, aq x kesah laa sgt.. pstu, klau ngn pmpuan dy laa hero, superman, ultraman suma amek kt dy, haha.. org yg x kesahkan appearance, asal ad style.. tah ap2 bdk ni.. haha,tpi tu laa kwn aq.. si pngkorek rhsia ni xde dy x mriah laa dunia rahsia klas IU nih.. haha,
No komen laa, dgn belt ‘Monster’ sempoi je aq nengok ko tiap2 hari.. haha, kdg2 ngn sluar track 1Malaysia dy.. kah3! Smangat tol bdk nih.. bgos suy.. truskan idop ang dgn smngat tuh.. truskan mncari n menekel prmpuan di dunia ni.. trus kan mmbesar ngn ‘trademark’ ko tuh.. one day ko msti bjaya..(apa pnya nasihat aq x phm) haha, Hidop suy!!!!

Syahmi (z square)
Wei jai or zai, apa mcm skrg?? Haha.. one of my best friend in da class.. susah pyah hidop dy bnyak aq da tau.. xpnah aq ad kwn cam ko mi.. bdk ni tgok dri jauh.. mgkin laa ad org ckp, “bkan ad apa un bdk nih”.. personality, gaya, appearance n sume bnde luaran even aq un nmpak dy besa jaa.. TAPI, his will power, courage, bravery, independence… (ni bley wat summary novel BI nih..) nothing can compare him laa.. tu j yg aq respect gila babi nk haram kt dy nih..haha..  Cuma kdg2 ada some mistake laa yg dy bwat dlm hidop dy, xpe mi, bkn suma org perfect..
Dah2, crita pnjang lebar lgi un x guna.. suma org dah knal ang dah en.. haha, SYAHMI, GUNA KELEBIHAN YANG ANG ADA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI, INOVASI, REPUTASI (and all other ‘si’ haha) DALAM IDOP ANG.. next time we meet, u must change from better to the best… kaike.. (Korean language) haha

Zarif Jasni (Ayep)
Adoi bro, lma x jmpa.. rndu dowh, der, brrr… haha, mrepek laa aq… Muhd Zarif Jasni.. bdk laki yg aq anggap snyap n solo jer  dlm idop dy.. dy ni x laa slalu mliar or mnakal2 sperti jhanam2 klas IU yg lain.. tpi kdg2 jahanam gak dy ni.. haha, slalu j snyap smpai bnyak bnde sgt dy snyap shinggakan !!!! jeng!!! Jeng!!! Jeng!!!! Haha, dun wanna touch sensitivity ssape kt sni.. hehe, suy r dok btempek kt dy.. nk tau story suy p laa kt dy.. suma dy tau.. smpai zarif=peti rhsia suy.. haha, peti un dok pcah gak rhsia kt mmber laen, haha, tu laa kejahanaman si ayep ni.. haha,
Selama aq kwn ngn ayep nih, aq ska dy pnya struggle idop dy.. huish.. respect o0o0o, tu r, bkn snang nk jdi abang sulong dlm femly en.. always nk kna tnjok yg trbaek kat adek2.. bgos ayep, truskan, jgn brenti ke-struggle-lan ko tu.. take care friend.. jgn lpa aq tau..
Blom the end lgi.. aq trlupa lak ada sorg lgi.. haha, next..

Aiman Syahmi
Sikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikim… haha, blushing laa kau… haha, ni sorg lgi jahanam klas IU nih.. aq x rapat sgt ngn aiman nih.. tpi cite gak lah yg mne aq tau.. ok.. a sweet, simple, nice person.. klau ngn mmber2 dy, kite nmpak laa pramah dy tu.. haha, bab kcau2 or wat sweet ngn pmpuan dy laa first.. haha, sume org dy kacau.. tpi sweet dy pn.. ade j dy tau rhsia kite, klau snyap2 dy pndang lama ngn mta kuyu dy, ade laa mksud nye tuh.. haha, b’bisa o0o0.. k lah man, sory r klau aq x knal ko sgt.. tpi aq still anggap ko kwn aq man.. bye..

Dah abes daa!!!! Hush… penat eden nk mnulis lgi dah… HARAP MAKLUM: writer xde ea dlm story nih.. biar kowg ckp x aci ke ap.. klau nk gak leave ur komen here laa.. writer mls r nk cite sal dri sndri, kang kmbang lak si writer tuh.. ok, adios..

The Three Doors of Iblees by SUHAIB WEBB

bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. mntak halal di copy article ni.. bce dlu, bru tau..

SubhanAllah (glory be to God), a brother can wait for five months for a new pair of sneakers, but he can’t pray qiyaamul layl (praying during the night) once in five months.  We know that during the last third of the night Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala (exalted is he) comes to the lowest heaven and says: “Who is making du`a’ [supplication] so that I can answer? Who’s seeking My forgiveness so I can forgive them? Who is asking so I can give them?” SubhanAllah, which appointment is greater? I remember when I was in Oklahoma and the PS2 came out, some of the youth that I used to teach in the masjid went and camped out. The same guys who went and camped in front of Best Buy were unable to camp out one night for Allah (swt). Are we really soldiers of Allah (swt) if we can stand all night in front of Best Buy to get a PS2 but we can’t stand up in the night and pray in front of Allah (swt)? Absolute materialism. This is the goal of Iblees.

Ibn Abbas continues to say that the attack from the right is to cause people to have doubt in regards to their religion, to make problems in the religion, and to give you a hard time and cause you to question the religion. The way to cure doubts is to ask someone who knows, or read and study.

The last thing that Ibn Abbas mentioned is the attack from the left: falling into sins. Maybe most of us thought that falling into sins would be number one, but it’s the last. The previous three are all sins, but they can lead you to kufr (disbelief). The last one would lead you to ‘asee (disobedience to Allah) and if Iblees can make someone a disbeliever, he has won.

Now, let’s discuss the three doors of Iblees. According to Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, Iblees comes to you from three doors. These three doors are like entrances. This isn’t where Iblees does his dirty work, but this is how he slides in under the radar. The three doors of Iblees are:

1) Babul Ghadab: The door of anger

Subhan’Allah, how many times have I heard as an Imam that a brother knocked the teeth out of his wife’s mouth because he was angry? When you ask him, “What happened to you? Why are you treating your wife like that?” He’ll say, “Oh, subhanAllah, man, I was angry, and she just pushed me to the point where I had to hit her.” Anger is not an excuse. And also on the other hand we have some brothers who become mentally depressed because the wife is always nagging and insulting him. The core element to a lot of marital problems is either misunderstanding of the deen (religion) or anger.

How many of us have stopped talking to a friend on campus because of anger? Maybe a sister thinks, “Oh, that girl thinks she’s better than us now that she has the nice jilbab (dress) from Eygpt.” Or a brother thinks, “Oh, that guy memorized two juz (portions) of the Qur’an—now he won’t talk to us because he thinks he’s so religious.” All of these thoughts come from anger.

And what about how we act with our parents? How many of us just go off on our parents? All of this is attributed to anger.

What is the remedy for anger? In Sahih Muslim the Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) taught us how to deal with anger. One time, one of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ got angry. The Prophet ﷺ told him to say something. The man refused to say it and he got even angrier. The Prophet ﷺ said, “I swear by Allah (swt), I know some words that, if he said them, his anger would leave him.”

What were the words? Authoo billahi min as-shaytan ar-rajeem (I seek protection with Allah from Satan, the accursed one). Why is this the first thing the Prophet ﷺ taught us about anger? Because anger is a door of Shaytan.

2) The Door of Desires

What is the greatness of Paradise? In one narration it is reported that Allah (swt) made Paradise and told Jibreel (the angel Gabriel) to fly for three thousand years. So Jibreel took a journey for three thousand years and then he came back. Allah (swt) asked him, “What did you think?” Jibreel responded, “I can’t believe it.” Allah (swt) told Jibreel to go for another three thousand years and then after that another three thousand years. When Jibreel finally came back Allah (swt) told him, “Do you know what you just saw? Part of the paradise of Abu Bakr (ra).”

In another authentic hadith (narration from the Prophet ﷺ) we learn about the last person to come out of Hellfire. He will be washed and all of the burns will come off of him. Then Allah (swt) will ask him, “What do you want?” This man will see a nice tree and he will say, “Oh Allah, can you put me under that tree?” Allah (swt) will say, “Yes, but you have to swear you will not ask Me for anything else.” The man will say, “I swear by Allah (swt) I will not ask for anything else,” so Allah (swt) will put him under the tree.

The man will be sitting under the tree and then he will see a tree with a river under it. He’ll say, “Oh Allah, can you put me over there by the river?” Allah (swt) will ask, “Yes, but you have to swear that you won’t ask Me for anything else.” He will swear by Allah (swt) that he will not ask for anything else, and Allah (swt) will put him there.

Then the man will see one of the doors of Paradise.  He’ll say, “Oh Allah, can you put me by that door?” Allah (swt) will say, “Yes, but you must swear that you will never ask Me for anything else again.” The man will swear by Allah (swt) that he will not ask for anything else again. Imagine, this man is saying wallahi (I swear by Allah) to Allah (swt) Himself, and he’s lying! So Allah (swt) will put him by that door.

Then the man will see some curtains. He will say, “Oh Allah can you put me by those curtains so that I can look inside and see the people of Paradise?” Allah (swt) will say, “Yes, but you must swear you will never ask Me for anything else after this.” The man will swear. So Allah (swt) will allow him to look through the curtains at Paradise. The man will see Paradise and he will say, “Oh Allah, put me in Paradise!”  Allah (swt) will put him in Paradise and then He will come to the man while he is in Paradise and He will ask him, “Are you satisfied? Are you happy? Do you need anything else?”

The man will say, “Wallahi I can’t ask for anything else.”

Allah (swt) will respond, “This is for you and ten times its equal.” This hadith is found at the end of the book Riyaad as-Saleeheen.

The ulema (scholars) ask, why does Allah (swt) allow him to say wallahi (I swear by Allah) even though he’s lying? It’s because Allah (swt) knows that none of us can be patient with Paradise. If you see Paradise you’re going to want it.

As related by Bukhari and Muslim, after Allah (swt) created Paradise He told Jibreel to go and look at it and then asked him what he thought. Jibreel said, “Wallahi anyone who hears about it is going to want to go there.” Then Allah (swt) surrounded Paradise with something and He told Jibreel to go and look at it again. Jibreel came back and told Allah (swt), “I don’t think anyone can make it to Paradise.” Then Allah (swt) made the Hellfire and told Jibreel to go and look at it. Jibreel saw it and came back. Allah (swt) asked him, “What do you think?” Jibreel replied, “Wallahi, anyone that hears about it will not want to go there.” Then Allah (swt) surrounded it with something and told Jibreel to go and look at it. When Jibreel came back and Allah (swt) asked him what he thought, Jibreel said, “Wallahi, no one can escape it.”

What did Allah (swt) surround Paradise with? Hard work. Waking up at 4:30 in the morning, making wudu (ablutions) and praying 2 rak’ah (units of prayer) and giving that sadaqah (charity) from your eye that you owe to Allah (swt). Being nice to your friends and forgiving your brothers and sisters who did wrong to you. Being active in the MSA, attending different programs, involving yourself in anything positive. Speaking out against injustice. Waking up and studying for your finals, not coming in unprepared and hoping Allah (swt) will help you.

What did Allah (swt) surround Hellfire with? Shahawaat (Desires), the Door of Shaytan. Ease, recreation, vacation, chillin’ like a villain. All of this surrounds the Hellfire.

3) The Door of Ghaflah (Negligence)

For people your age (college students) this door of Shaytan is the most dangerous. Shaytan messes with you in areas of negligence. For example, if you go overseas—when does everyone say they’re going to make Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca)? When they’re 70 years old. How does someone know they’re going to reach 70 years? This is negligence. Look at the example of this sahaabi (companion of the Prophet ﷺ). He was sitting with some dates and he asked the Prophet ﷺ, “Oh Prophet of Allah, if I stop eating these dates, join the battle and become a shaheed (martyr) where will I be?” The Prophet ﷺ answered, “Paradise.” The man threw down his dates and he went.

How about us? Are we negligent when it comes to our opportunity to obey Allah (swt)? Or do we say: Oh, I’ll start to pray after I get married. I’ll start to do this when I finish high school.

Do it now. SubhanAllah, with Nike, we “just do it”. But with Islam we take it slowly, step by step.

So these are the three doors that Shaytan uses to get inside you.