Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Dalam dunia ni setiap bnda ada pasangan,  dah di cipta dengan cara camtu oleh Illahi.. biar pun yg nyata atau pun yang maya.. hmm, keliru jugak ayat wan nih.. sedang kat hati kita sndiri pn yang 1 ini pn ada belahannya dan stiap satu ada pasangan nya.. ini bukan bermaksud hati itu di belah atau di potong sampai 3.. ia nya hati perasan kita.. iaitu suka, sayang dan cinta..
Suka adalah perasaan yang ringan dalam hidup ini, apabila melihat bnda, perkara atau sesuatu yang menarik pada hati kita, maka kita berminat tehadap nya maka itu di namakan suka.. biar pun begitu subjek ini juga boleh di letak kan pada sesiapa atau orang.. contoh nya suka berkawan dgn seseorang, suka mnjadi rakan sekelas nya atau suka melihat wajahnya..
Sudah jelas di sini menunjuk kan suka hanya lah sekadar suka.. masih belum meletakkan harapan pada sesuatu atau seseorang itu untuk hadir dalam hidup kita..
Sayang pula adalah perasaan yang lebih serius pada diri kita.. kita ambil berat tntang nya, kita mnjaga keadaan nya dgn baik malah kita sentiasa berusaha membantu  dalam hidupnya. Perasaan ini lebih major atau cenderung kepada pihak manusia yang lain.. contohnya, keluarga, teman wanita/lelaki, suami/isteri dan pelbagai lagi yang lebih jelas mempunyai hubungan istimewa dengan seseorang itu..
Tetapi masih belum sampai ke tahap yang lebih mempengaruhi dalam hidup kita.. ia hanya membantu sedikit dalam perkembangan diri sndiri..
Cinta adalah perasaan sayang yang paling kuat dalam hidup manusia.. sehinggakan mempengaruhi segala aktivi seharian seseorang itu. Lebih lagi ia perasaan merendah kan diri terhadap sesuatu sehingga segalanya dalam hidup seseorang itu adalah berdasarkan tuntutan atau arahan daripada perkara yang kita cintai itu.. Mudah sekali adalah cinta kepada Tuhan yang menciptakan segalanya.. Tuhan adalah pihak yang paling mmpengaruhi kehidupan seharian.. cara hidup pun telah di aturkan oleh-Nya dari dahulu lagi.. Halal haram sudah di tentukan Nya.. maka sesiapa yang melanggar nya, dia tidak mncintai Tuhan nya..

Konklusinya, sebagai manusia sememangnya sudah diberi akal fikiran mana yang suka, sayang atau cinta.. Jadi jangan sekali-kali mencintai selain daripada Tuhan Yang Maha Agung dan jangan lah menganggap disukai itu bermaksud kita di sayangi..

Monday, May 28, 2012

Rc vs Acc Story : Part 3 oi!!

Pghabeh laa hat mna dok ada.. huhu, ok next!!

Siti Rahmah Yahya (SRY@cek mah)
Mah! Laki ko sehat!!?? Haha, siti rahmah nma diberi, yahya bpak nya.. sorg yg amazingly owsem girl-friend (haha) I’d ever know..  nothing can komper u laa mah.. with her genius head n her ‘dahi luas’nye, huhu, she surprisingly get higher mark in our class.. plus, dy pnya prangai yg pling xleh blah n gila n plek n gila n tah apa2 n mgarut n gila lagi .. haha, no others.. (kang  marah plak) mah, for u aq rse ko bole laa brubah.. tpi skit jer.. jgn bnyak2, nnti x best.. haha..
Trios ktua mngarut, haha, xtau r cmna nk describe ko cmna lgi.. pning kpala aq.. sorry r aq xtau ap next plan ang.. klau still ngn akaun, truskan.. tpi whatever un.. aq ucapkan slamat r mah, u can get wat u want.. tggal effort jer.. one day we’ll meet again kawan…

Fatehani Tukimin (ateh)
Nyah ko tau x bdk tu da x berak sbulan kau.. eeii, geli nyah kt sni tau, awww.. haha,  Lol, ngade2 tol aq.. lughuih (straight) to the poin laa eak.. ateh is one of the most precious person to me actually..  xde dy x mriah laa klas ni, xde dy xde laa org nk mnanges2 kt klas ni, huhu, tu laa klau org yg aq nk bgosip2.. rmah tgga org, rmah tigkap org, bini org, laki org, sume ktowg gossip kau haaa.. haha, mlampau lmpau tol aq nih, k lah smpai skrg aq da x bnyk brita sal dy dah.. so, wat I know (yg ko gtaw aq) u wan to help people bile ko da bjaye nnti.. chaiyookk!!
Nnti ble ko dah success, jgn laa malu2 nk contact ktowang k, hope could meet u someday laa kak.. haha

Shaffzan (sharu)
Body builder yg lurus orgnye.. x laa furious sgt, kdg2 syok laa smbang ngn dy.. sometimes tu, aq un x phm dy mcm mna orgnye.. huhu, ok then, ko laa sifu aq nk idop rlek camna.. epy gol lucky laa kau.. haha, bdk ni ade talent dy sndri.. so kdg2 tu nmpak r dy ngn dunia dy sndri.. haha, bru aq tau camna knal ngn org yg dh ada vision sndri dlm idop dy.. haha, plek2 sggoh.. I’ve no other comments for u.. haha, gud luck with ur wat-ever-thing u wanna do next.. I’ll be support u behind..

Murni (murrrrrrni) haha
Haish…. Haih…. Hmmm.. haha, lme laa x mngarut ngn ko.. ni sorang lgi sifu aq.. sifu kite sume laa sng.. dlu bnyak laa mnde yg x phm boley g tnye kt dy.. so, alang2 tgh menanye tu, menakal2 laa ngn dy.. huhu, budak nih aq knal nk phm something tu x laju cam r cam cek mah, tpi bled ah dpt tuh..smpai  mmpos dy ingt.. ape nye otak laa u had hah.. haha, (mcm kasar je aq ni)..
Wokey.. tu jer lah yg aq dpt mengomen.. nice to have friend like u.. bye..

Hastini (tini)
Haykal…oo0o0o…haykal…o0o0o0…haykal… haha, nk kna mkn pnampaq aq nih.. okk, start with her attitude, nice n cool n cute n solo n simple minded person… time dy glak r pling aq suka tuh.. cam bdk kcik.. pstu hat pling bgang dok kcau aq psai il***.. ceh, tensen r aq.. huhu, dlu kdg2 klau pnas aq p laa dok kt tmpat dy coz sjuk skit dok bwah kipas, pstu dok kcau murni.. haha.. hat aq heran nya, dy x pnah mrh.. or halau aq dri tmpat dy, just klau aq phm dy nk ddok aq blah r.. tpi dy x pnah ckp ap2 un.. heran sggoh aq ngan hang ni..
Xpa2, baguih laa ang mmg baek dri dlu lgi.. truskan dgn hati suci ang tuh.. bkn sng jmpa kwn cam ang.. haykal cmna haykal? Haha, dh r, mkn pnmpaq sggoh satni aq.. haha, bye tini..

Yusri (suy)
Ok start dri rmbut, rmbut mncacak.. trun p kat mata, nmpak garang r sket..  mai kat mlut+gigi, Allah………….. haha, lma x sakat ang.. ok, trus laa eak, obviously si genius yg malas.. asyik tido je kje kau.. haha, tpi ko gifted, aq x kesah laa sgt.. pstu, klau ngn pmpuan dy laa hero, superman, ultraman suma amek kt dy, haha.. org yg x kesahkan appearance, asal ad style.. tah ap2 bdk ni.. haha,tpi tu laa kwn aq.. si pngkorek rhsia ni xde dy x mriah laa dunia rahsia klas IU nih.. haha,
No komen laa, dgn belt ‘Monster’ sempoi je aq nengok ko tiap2 hari.. haha, kdg2 ngn sluar track 1Malaysia dy.. kah3! Smangat tol bdk nih.. bgos suy.. truskan idop ang dgn smngat tuh.. truskan mncari n menekel prmpuan di dunia ni.. trus kan mmbesar ngn ‘trademark’ ko tuh.. one day ko msti bjaya..(apa pnya nasihat aq x phm) haha, Hidop suy!!!!

Syahmi (z square)
Wei jai or zai, apa mcm skrg?? Haha.. one of my best friend in da class.. susah pyah hidop dy bnyak aq da tau.. xpnah aq ad kwn cam ko mi.. bdk ni tgok dri jauh.. mgkin laa ad org ckp, “bkan ad apa un bdk nih”.. personality, gaya, appearance n sume bnde luaran even aq un nmpak dy besa jaa.. TAPI, his will power, courage, bravery, independence… (ni bley wat summary novel BI nih..) nothing can compare him laa.. tu j yg aq respect gila babi nk haram kt dy nih..haha..  Cuma kdg2 ada some mistake laa yg dy bwat dlm hidop dy, xpe mi, bkn suma org perfect..
Dah2, crita pnjang lebar lgi un x guna.. suma org dah knal ang dah en.. haha, SYAHMI, GUNA KELEBIHAN YANG ANG ADA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI, INOVASI, REPUTASI (and all other ‘si’ haha) DALAM IDOP ANG.. next time we meet, u must change from better to the best… kaike.. (Korean language) haha

Zarif Jasni (Ayep)
Adoi bro, lma x jmpa.. rndu dowh, der, brrr… haha, mrepek laa aq… Muhd Zarif Jasni.. bdk laki yg aq anggap snyap n solo jer  dlm idop dy.. dy ni x laa slalu mliar or mnakal2 sperti jhanam2 klas IU yg lain.. tpi kdg2 jahanam gak dy ni.. haha, slalu j snyap smpai bnyak bnde sgt dy snyap shinggakan !!!! jeng!!! Jeng!!! Jeng!!!! Haha, dun wanna touch sensitivity ssape kt sni.. hehe, suy r dok btempek kt dy.. nk tau story suy p laa kt dy.. suma dy tau.. smpai zarif=peti rhsia suy.. haha, peti un dok pcah gak rhsia kt mmber laen, haha, tu laa kejahanaman si ayep ni.. haha,
Selama aq kwn ngn ayep nih, aq ska dy pnya struggle idop dy.. huish.. respect o0o0o, tu r, bkn snang nk jdi abang sulong dlm femly en.. always nk kna tnjok yg trbaek kat adek2.. bgos ayep, truskan, jgn brenti ke-struggle-lan ko tu.. take care friend.. jgn lpa aq tau..
Blom the end lgi.. aq trlupa lak ada sorg lgi.. haha, next..

Aiman Syahmi
Sikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikimsikim… haha, blushing laa kau… haha, ni sorg lgi jahanam klas IU nih.. aq x rapat sgt ngn aiman nih.. tpi cite gak lah yg mne aq tau.. ok.. a sweet, simple, nice person.. klau ngn mmber2 dy, kite nmpak laa pramah dy tu.. haha, bab kcau2 or wat sweet ngn pmpuan dy laa first.. haha, sume org dy kacau.. tpi sweet dy pn.. ade j dy tau rhsia kite, klau snyap2 dy pndang lama ngn mta kuyu dy, ade laa mksud nye tuh.. haha, b’bisa o0o0.. k lah man, sory r klau aq x knal ko sgt.. tpi aq still anggap ko kwn aq man.. bye..

Dah abes daa!!!! Hush… penat eden nk mnulis lgi dah… HARAP MAKLUM: writer xde ea dlm story nih.. biar kowg ckp x aci ke ap.. klau nk gak leave ur komen here laa.. writer mls r nk cite sal dri sndri, kang kmbang lak si writer tuh.. ok, adios..

The Three Doors of Iblees by SUHAIB WEBB

bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. mntak halal di copy article ni.. bce dlu, bru tau..

SubhanAllah (glory be to God), a brother can wait for five months for a new pair of sneakers, but he can’t pray qiyaamul layl (praying during the night) once in five months.  We know that during the last third of the night Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala (exalted is he) comes to the lowest heaven and says: “Who is making du`a’ [supplication] so that I can answer? Who’s seeking My forgiveness so I can forgive them? Who is asking so I can give them?” SubhanAllah, which appointment is greater? I remember when I was in Oklahoma and the PS2 came out, some of the youth that I used to teach in the masjid went and camped out. The same guys who went and camped in front of Best Buy were unable to camp out one night for Allah (swt). Are we really soldiers of Allah (swt) if we can stand all night in front of Best Buy to get a PS2 but we can’t stand up in the night and pray in front of Allah (swt)? Absolute materialism. This is the goal of Iblees.

Ibn Abbas continues to say that the attack from the right is to cause people to have doubt in regards to their religion, to make problems in the religion, and to give you a hard time and cause you to question the religion. The way to cure doubts is to ask someone who knows, or read and study.

The last thing that Ibn Abbas mentioned is the attack from the left: falling into sins. Maybe most of us thought that falling into sins would be number one, but it’s the last. The previous three are all sins, but they can lead you to kufr (disbelief). The last one would lead you to ‘asee (disobedience to Allah) and if Iblees can make someone a disbeliever, he has won.

Now, let’s discuss the three doors of Iblees. According to Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, Iblees comes to you from three doors. These three doors are like entrances. This isn’t where Iblees does his dirty work, but this is how he slides in under the radar. The three doors of Iblees are:

1) Babul Ghadab: The door of anger

Subhan’Allah, how many times have I heard as an Imam that a brother knocked the teeth out of his wife’s mouth because he was angry? When you ask him, “What happened to you? Why are you treating your wife like that?” He’ll say, “Oh, subhanAllah, man, I was angry, and she just pushed me to the point where I had to hit her.” Anger is not an excuse. And also on the other hand we have some brothers who become mentally depressed because the wife is always nagging and insulting him. The core element to a lot of marital problems is either misunderstanding of the deen (religion) or anger.

How many of us have stopped talking to a friend on campus because of anger? Maybe a sister thinks, “Oh, that girl thinks she’s better than us now that she has the nice jilbab (dress) from Eygpt.” Or a brother thinks, “Oh, that guy memorized two juz (portions) of the Qur’an—now he won’t talk to us because he thinks he’s so religious.” All of these thoughts come from anger.

And what about how we act with our parents? How many of us just go off on our parents? All of this is attributed to anger.

What is the remedy for anger? In Sahih Muslim the Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) taught us how to deal with anger. One time, one of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ got angry. The Prophet ﷺ told him to say something. The man refused to say it and he got even angrier. The Prophet ﷺ said, “I swear by Allah (swt), I know some words that, if he said them, his anger would leave him.”

What were the words? Authoo billahi min as-shaytan ar-rajeem (I seek protection with Allah from Satan, the accursed one). Why is this the first thing the Prophet ﷺ taught us about anger? Because anger is a door of Shaytan.

2) The Door of Desires

What is the greatness of Paradise? In one narration it is reported that Allah (swt) made Paradise and told Jibreel (the angel Gabriel) to fly for three thousand years. So Jibreel took a journey for three thousand years and then he came back. Allah (swt) asked him, “What did you think?” Jibreel responded, “I can’t believe it.” Allah (swt) told Jibreel to go for another three thousand years and then after that another three thousand years. When Jibreel finally came back Allah (swt) told him, “Do you know what you just saw? Part of the paradise of Abu Bakr (ra).”

In another authentic hadith (narration from the Prophet ﷺ) we learn about the last person to come out of Hellfire. He will be washed and all of the burns will come off of him. Then Allah (swt) will ask him, “What do you want?” This man will see a nice tree and he will say, “Oh Allah, can you put me under that tree?” Allah (swt) will say, “Yes, but you have to swear you will not ask Me for anything else.” The man will say, “I swear by Allah (swt) I will not ask for anything else,” so Allah (swt) will put him under the tree.

The man will be sitting under the tree and then he will see a tree with a river under it. He’ll say, “Oh Allah, can you put me over there by the river?” Allah (swt) will ask, “Yes, but you have to swear that you won’t ask Me for anything else.” He will swear by Allah (swt) that he will not ask for anything else, and Allah (swt) will put him there.

Then the man will see one of the doors of Paradise.  He’ll say, “Oh Allah, can you put me by that door?” Allah (swt) will say, “Yes, but you must swear that you will never ask Me for anything else again.” The man will swear by Allah (swt) that he will not ask for anything else again. Imagine, this man is saying wallahi (I swear by Allah) to Allah (swt) Himself, and he’s lying! So Allah (swt) will put him by that door.

Then the man will see some curtains. He will say, “Oh Allah can you put me by those curtains so that I can look inside and see the people of Paradise?” Allah (swt) will say, “Yes, but you must swear you will never ask Me for anything else after this.” The man will swear. So Allah (swt) will allow him to look through the curtains at Paradise. The man will see Paradise and he will say, “Oh Allah, put me in Paradise!”  Allah (swt) will put him in Paradise and then He will come to the man while he is in Paradise and He will ask him, “Are you satisfied? Are you happy? Do you need anything else?”

The man will say, “Wallahi I can’t ask for anything else.”

Allah (swt) will respond, “This is for you and ten times its equal.” This hadith is found at the end of the book Riyaad as-Saleeheen.

The ulema (scholars) ask, why does Allah (swt) allow him to say wallahi (I swear by Allah) even though he’s lying? It’s because Allah (swt) knows that none of us can be patient with Paradise. If you see Paradise you’re going to want it.

As related by Bukhari and Muslim, after Allah (swt) created Paradise He told Jibreel to go and look at it and then asked him what he thought. Jibreel said, “Wallahi anyone who hears about it is going to want to go there.” Then Allah (swt) surrounded Paradise with something and He told Jibreel to go and look at it again. Jibreel came back and told Allah (swt), “I don’t think anyone can make it to Paradise.” Then Allah (swt) made the Hellfire and told Jibreel to go and look at it. Jibreel saw it and came back. Allah (swt) asked him, “What do you think?” Jibreel replied, “Wallahi, anyone that hears about it will not want to go there.” Then Allah (swt) surrounded it with something and told Jibreel to go and look at it. When Jibreel came back and Allah (swt) asked him what he thought, Jibreel said, “Wallahi, no one can escape it.”

What did Allah (swt) surround Paradise with? Hard work. Waking up at 4:30 in the morning, making wudu (ablutions) and praying 2 rak’ah (units of prayer) and giving that sadaqah (charity) from your eye that you owe to Allah (swt). Being nice to your friends and forgiving your brothers and sisters who did wrong to you. Being active in the MSA, attending different programs, involving yourself in anything positive. Speaking out against injustice. Waking up and studying for your finals, not coming in unprepared and hoping Allah (swt) will help you.

What did Allah (swt) surround Hellfire with? Shahawaat (Desires), the Door of Shaytan. Ease, recreation, vacation, chillin’ like a villain. All of this surrounds the Hellfire.

3) The Door of Ghaflah (Negligence)

For people your age (college students) this door of Shaytan is the most dangerous. Shaytan messes with you in areas of negligence. For example, if you go overseas—when does everyone say they’re going to make Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca)? When they’re 70 years old. How does someone know they’re going to reach 70 years? This is negligence. Look at the example of this sahaabi (companion of the Prophet ﷺ). He was sitting with some dates and he asked the Prophet ﷺ, “Oh Prophet of Allah, if I stop eating these dates, join the battle and become a shaheed (martyr) where will I be?” The Prophet ﷺ answered, “Paradise.” The man threw down his dates and he went.

How about us? Are we negligent when it comes to our opportunity to obey Allah (swt)? Or do we say: Oh, I’ll start to pray after I get married. I’ll start to do this when I finish high school.

Do it now. SubhanAllah, with Nike, we “just do it”. But with Islam we take it slowly, step by step.

So these are the three doors that Shaytan uses to get inside you.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

STORY OF RC VS ACC (part 2)..

Ingat malas nk smbung.. tpi dah rmai yg dok push aq.. jdi smbung j lah.. huhu, lgi un aq dh rgka siap2 better smbung tros..
Ok, next…

Amira (mek klate1)
Kak akaun aq!!! Haha, dy laa dok tlg folio aq.. huhu, I owe you lah.. k lah, wat ever un somebody yg ada bnyak pedoman dlm dirinye..(wo0o0ah) dlm snyap2 dy pn actly bnyak nasihat2 yg dy ad.. dun judge buku tgok cover dy jaa.. haha.. trus kan laa jdi camtu
Jgn mnyerlah, biar tserlah sndiri..uish, (hebat ayat tuh!!) so, yg len xdo laa eden nk mengomen, eden pn soda diri den sapo.. haha, just BE THE BEST MIRA!

Asikim (ai**n)
Bdak ni awal2 aq tgok dy mcm geg2 alim,snyap, n x bgaul sgt.. tpi ble dh lme2.. gle kau, sempoi tahap dewa arh,(mlampau sgt tuh).. ke‘cool’ land y mmg x di sgka.. gua respect r lu sikim,huhu.. one more dy ni nmpak r dy pnya gnius+hardworking dy time tgh study.. pndai kwal situation n prasaan n tndakan, ble mse nk study, ble mse nk myembang or mmain.. respect lu doh..
K arh, xnak r puji mmnjang sgt.. kang kembang pecah plak kang.. heheh, trus laa jdi camtu.. (actly aq mls j nk ckp sal aiman syhmi, huhu) xpe lah sikim, keep it on!

Hai nik! Huhu, aq un bkn rpat sgt ngn ko en.. sory r eak.. hehe.. ok dy yg aq nmpak adlh seorng ad pndirian yg teguh dlm diri dy, x kesah org ckp ap un, ko mmg x kesah en nik.. huhu, aq dok dgr sal kau un ble dok ngn ptep j laa.. haha, tpi aq tau kasar2 kau un ade yg baik kat kau.. jge laa baik2 bnde tuh.. (bwat kpale tau plak aq) huhu, k arh gud luck dgn ap yg ko tgh bwat.. tanx  4 be my classmate..

Afiq (Afin@***)
Cibai r ko fiq.. haha, (wat a bad intro), brader yg aq x sgka jdi adek bradek omroom aq.. kah3! Klam kabot ktorang ad ko fiq.. tpi xpe fiq, aq still anggap xde ko x syok laa idop aq.. xde laa org yg aq nk kutuk, haha, ok3.. afiq wlau pn byak wat mslah, tpi ade gak bnde yg baek kt dy (kdg2 laa), tmbah2 ble ckp sal pmpuan or cikaro dy ke, dy ok j aq tgok.. kire dy kne ad pndamping laa.. xpe laa fiq, tu style ko fiq..
Whatever un ssape yg nk jdi mmber dy kne paham n knal n cool j ngn dy.. baek sbnar nye bdak nie.. tpi nk wat cne, mybe ade ‘master’ yg ajar dy jdi camtu.. huhu afiq sorg j pham aq ckp. Hehe.. k arh, kang gadoh lak kt gmi nnti klau aq bnyk mmbebel kt sni..last word, biar lgi bsar kite mkin baek fiq..

Izzudin (ijud)
Oi bro.. ijud adlh seorg yg slamber nk mmpos gile kawkaw arh.. haha, tgok tulisan un dah tau.. huhu, tpi ap yg tlh aq tmpuhi brsama ngn ko (as secretary English club n the only acc boy student survivor from IH) aq tgok dy akan usaha kan gile ngn ap yg dy nak.. biar r cara ap un, ko nk msti dpat pnye.. tu jer laa nilai murni yg ad kat ko din.. haha, tpi respect gua ada kt ko din.. xpe jgn risau.. huhu,
Wlaupn ko x kongsi sal gbn ngn aq.. xpe din, aq tau ad sbb nye, huhu.. mlawak jer, rlek r der.. hehe, k arh.. aq hrp kite still cntact lgi lpas nie cuz u r my merapu n gila2 brother.. wish u best luck din..

Rosydan (BABY)
Ko bela ikan lgi ke dan? Haha! Rosydan, tu laa sorg lgi bdak omroom aq yg kkdg dok wat comel.. tah r ape nk ckp, ok laa ko.. tu je kot.. huhu, xde lah, rosydan ni ade kreativiti n tujuan idop sndiri.. bdk yg pling pnting kan kbersihan n kkemasan spanjang aq dok sbilik ngn dy.. tpi tu r, kkdang x dhargai.. cian dy.. huhu, xpe dan, aq actly kdg2 nk try tiru kau tpi aq xley, aq bkn terurus sgt dlm idop aq..(kire aq ad gak r respect ko) jdi laa tu.. huhu.. k arh.. tmpuhi laa idop ko smampu yg boleh dan, aq knal ko dan, ko bole pnye kjar abang ko tu dan.. msti bole pnye..

Zarina (Ina)
Dy ngn bbdak len snyap j.. ngn ateh j dy rapat.. haha, aq tgok kkdang dy mcm adek ateh, tpi kkadang ateh jdi adek dy pn ade.. haha, plek tol pmpuan nih..(ni mule nk mngarut nih..) ina ni klau laki org pggil macho laa, istilah untuk pmpuan ape tah.. rlek j aq nengok bdak nih.. haha, ok laa, jnis x kalut mcm aq nie.. sempoi j aq sehari-hari dy.. bgos laa klau ko trus jdi camni, dri dy laa aq blaja x klam kabut dlm idop, gud luck with ur journey!!

Amirah Aziz (GBN!!@tikos)
Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn…. Kah3! Lme x kcau ko gbn.. tu mmg ambition ko ea? Aq lpe laa.. haha, one of my acc teacher even I x pnah phm pn blaja ngn dy.. haha, xpe mira, aq dpt skit un jdi laa.. ok then, DO NOT, change who u r.. DO NOT regret wat u had done.. DO NOT bwat bnde sparuh siap, biar smpai habis n biar puas.. DO NOT byak nges2 lgi cam dlu.. and last DO NOT jdi tggi lgi.. haha, just kiddin’.
Trios with SRY n BWP GIRL that I’ll never forget..

huh!!! pnat laa der... nnti kan part 3.. haha, nme pon story.. bye..

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


tah ap mksd poyo un aq pning.. so, aq gatai2 tgn laa... smpai p kat wikipedia tuh... keh3, poyo tol..

Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Poyo ialah perkataan bahasa pasar atau slanga Melayu boleh dikategorikan sebagai kata sifat. Ia sering digunakan di kalangan generasi moden terutama remaja Malaysia, terutamanya di Semenanjung Malaysia dalam perbualan sehari-hari.


Perkataan poyo ialah slanga yang baru dicipta sekitar 2000an tidak terdapat di dalam Kamus Dewan dan setakat ini belum ada sebarang kajian akan asal-usulnya. Poyo juga belum mempunyai takrifan khusus dan tepat. Ia lebih kepada perkataan yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan seseorang itu tidak menyukai sifat tertentu atau kelakuan seseorang individu.
Namun begitu, berdasarkan penggunaannya, ia boleh dikatakan bermaksud berikut:
Seseorang yang mempunyai watak hambar, tidak asli atau 'original', sedikit menjengkelkan dan kebodoh-bodohan
Seseorang yang berwatakan luar dari norma orang biasa seperti merasakan diri-sendiri bagus, suka temberang dan bercakap luar dari kenyataan
Ia juga mempunyai persamaan dengan slanga bahasa Inggeris Amerika iaitu 'LAME'.

haha, tah r.. tu laa yg dlam wiki, watever un, jgn laa jdi lame sgt dalam idop ni.. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Alone and Alone...

Smpai 29 ni... I'm alone kt umah ni!!!!!
Gile arh, parent kat iran..
org kata dok wat onar laa klau dok sorang2...
tak tau r nk wat pa.. seb bek ada mmber n game2..

Monday, May 21, 2012


ada j rsa kcewa dlm idop ni..
pnat sgat dah nk mgeluh..
mmg x abeh2 ujian yg mlanda..
tah apa laa yg nk jdi lpas nie..