Sunday, August 19, 2012

tHe leTTer "G"

The sun come in and out every day, we all always been by the works, classes, assignment and lots more things. We were chasing the world reality, we don’t want to be left by the technology, we only care about the job that we going to be next. But do we worry about the things in after life? Do we care about the “heaven” and “hell” things? Don’t you afraid?
                Nowadays, religion is not the main things in our daily life. It was been separated from every things we do. Why?
                We forget that the God always watching us every single second. Every sin we did will be written on our “book” to be asked after us dead. We may take for granted about this, but the world is nothing if we forget about Him. Don’t you afraid?
                We only live to be humble to our God, not to against Him. Every thing had changed time to time. Even there are people not believe in God, said to be atheist. Why? We don’t appear only base on the science, there is a creator who create us, who give miracle on us and who arrange our life time. Then, why don’t you afraid of Him?

There are only three main things we should do to Him. Be AFRAID, HUMBLE and LOVE Him.


-this kind of feeling will make us aware on every single thing we want to do because our mind set always know that He watch us every time. Then we will avoid doing bad things that He hate.


-human always to be proud on what they have. So, the feeling to be humble to Him will make us to be highly aware on what we do, feel and etc.


-love to Him means we always appreciate on what had He gave to us such as our body. We feel that He always be at your side. So that what makes we love our God.


The ‘UnSeen’

Aritu wan dgr khutbah kt gmi nun, besa laa smbil khutbah tu ad projector nk translate khutbah tu dlm bi plak. Tpi en, bca yg translate tu wan lgi mnarik laa dri dengar khutbah tuh.. hush, xtau kes apa laa ni, bahasa kebangsaan sendiri un da x minat nk dgaq.
                Ap yang menarik dlm translate khutbah ni dy slalu guna ayat 'the Unseen' untuk mengganti kan perkara yg berhikmah. So, ayat tu nmpak menarik laa bgi wan. Mcm tu laa timbul idea mcm2, nk tulis anything psal the Unseen nih..
ThE UnSeeN…

First..Kt gmi ni rmai gila kot muka mcm si kosong dlm lawak kampus tu. Nk kata muka mmg blerr ya rabbi laa.. haha,   
              the unseen nya kt sni da bnyak wan jmpa org lgi trok drpd ni, tpi bla mai result, lgi gempak gila yg ter-sangt2. Mmg btol, don’t judge a book by its cover.. hehe

Second...Aritu, wan pi masjid india, konon2 nk shoping sakan laa kau.. tpi, da nama un laki, ap un x jdi nk bli, rsa mls, nmpk mcm brg x best j blah, tah apa2.
. pling pnting skali rsa mcm takot bazir duit, tu the main point dy.. hehe, and then wan lalu dpan gerai jual tasbih, mnyak attar, kopiah n bagai2 lgi laa, rsa tdetik au nk bli, mmg bli pon.. tpi hampa bayang mnyak attar ngan kopiah total RM20.. 
                                   ffffffffffffffff…….. mahal kot..! kopiah halai balai tu un mkcik tu balun RM10 gak.. perggghhhh, xpe2.. gua redho je… the Unseen kt sni, esok nye bapak wan dtg, Cikgu Azmi. Dy nk bwak wan kluaq p umah spupu sbb da lama x jmpa en. 
                      Sembng pnya sembg tiba dy huluq RM150! And the wan buat2 tkejut laa (padahal syok) haha, buat2 mcm mau xmau, last2 amek jgak.. kuang3.
                 . tpi tu r bla mrenung balek, mgkin ni balasan bgi org yg mngeluar kn duit ke arah jalan yg baek, ber-gnda2  lgi dy dpat dri Dia.. Alhamdulillah..

Crita akan bsambung… sory pnat dah lerh…